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"Reflection refers to "bending back" as light reflects off surfaces. Reflecting is an act of "bending back" on a day and giving it careful consideration. A reflection gives an image, a bending back from the original." - Dr. MaryKate Morse
In this time of prayer, we ask you to reflect on this last year. Reflect on the events that happened in the world, our country, our city, our neighborhoods, and our homes.
This reflective prayer will take you through different images captured by Corrie Rosensteel, Tyler Feague and . These light-bending photographic images capture the original moment, provide us a memory of the past, and allow us to reflect on the past.
The provided prompts next to the images will give you a moment to pause, breathe, reflect, and listen.

Limit(less) Gallery Reflection Prayer: Current Exhibitions
Limit(less) Gallery Reflection Prayer: Video
Limit(less) Gallery Reflection Prayer: Pro Gallery
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